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Sugimoto Campus official mascot "Sugimoto Kameichi" melon bun

Published on Mar 24, 2021


KameichiAOsaka City University celebrated its 140th anniversary in 2020. During this commemorative year, student desire to contribute something to OCU led to the birth of the official Sugimoto Campus mascot, "Kameichi (real name: Kameichi Sugimoto). However, due to COVID-19 students, faculty, staff, and alumni were not able to see Kameichi.

KameichiBFour students of the Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences, taking the class "Visual Cultural Resource Theory (視覚文化資源論実習)" with Professor Mayumi Sugawara, planned the melon bun project, hoping that a melon bun shaped after Kameichi would help many people to get to know this lovely character and deepen their attachment to the Sugimoto Campus.

It will be available at the Sherry Co-op starting April 12, 2021 (Monday) ※.
We hope you will enjoy it.
※The release date is tentative and subject to change.

Kameichi melon bun

Mr. Mitsuru Kadota of Pain de Singe (Tsukuno-cho, Nishi-ku, Sakai City), an OCU alumnus, was commissioned to create this product.

KameichiCBuilding #1 and palm trees, symbols of the Sugimoto Campus, were faithfully reproduced. The lawn area is made of biscuit dough flavored with melon juice, while the building and palm trees are made of chocolate. The head and body are made of bread dough, while the limbs and tail are made of a single cookie. The contrast in texture between the fluffy bread dough and the crunchy cookies gives this bun a sweet aroma.

Sales location

Start: April 12, 2021 (Monday)
Place: Shelley Co-op (Sugimoto Campus)
Price: 390 yen including tax
Osaka City University Co-op Web site: https://ocucoop.jp/shop/shop_309.html
To prevent the spread of COVID-19, we are accepting orders through the website and by phone.

Comments from the student group

KameichiDThis project was launched out of a desire to let as many people as possible know about Kameichi. COVID-19 interrupted our class schedule, and there were many times when we came to a standstill.

However, through trial and error, and with the cooperation of many people, we were able to make Kameichi melon bun a reality, which has become an invaluable treasure for us. We hope that Kameichi melon bun will bring smiles and good taste to many, enliven the Sugimoto Campus, and continue to be loved for years to come.
