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To All International Students

Published on Nov 12, 2020


1) New! [Important] Changes in infectious disease risk have altered border control measures, including the documents needed to accept international students on campus.

On October 30, 2020, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs lowered the infectious disease risk from level 3 to level 2 in the following 9 countries/regions, and accordingly, it is no longer necessary for foreign students who are entering/re-entering Japan to submit a COVID-19 test certificate within 72 hours at the time of entry, in principle. Also in principle, when returning to or entering Japan from the following areas, regardless of nationality, the necessary tests for COVID-19 infections when entering Japan are no longer required.

However, OCU will continue to implement infectious disease prevention measures. In addition to making chest X-ray test results necessary documents for students and researchers who are staying for more than 3 months, all international students (including those from level 2 regions) who will stay at OCU for 3 months or more are required to take a PCR test within 72 hours before leaving your home country to check for COVID-19-related pneumonia infections. The test certificate must be written in Japanese or English and must be submitted to the academic affairs department of the faculty / graduate school to which you belong.

1. Required Documents

Test certificate for new coronavirus infection received within 72 hours before departure (Form issued by a local medical institution, but limited to those written in Japanese or English)

2. Submission destination

Administration staff of the Faculty/Graduate School you belong to

3. Submission method

Send by e-mail attachment before departure



?◆ Announcement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs https://www.anzen.mofa.go.jp/info/pcwideareaspecificinfo_2020C078.html Reduction of infectious disease risk level (level 3 → level 2) (9 countries/regions) (Asia) South Korea, Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan, China (including Hong Kong and Macau), Brunei, Vietnam (Oceania) Australia, New Zealand

2)[Important] International students can now enter Japan ※Excluding applicants for admission

As a general rule, entry is permitted for medium- to long-term residents, including international students from all countries/regions (however, the number of individuals will be limited). In addition to the border control measures required so far (PCR inspection at the time of entry (only in areas subject to entry refusal), non-use of public transportation for 14 days after entry, waiting at home, etc.), other procedures are required.

(1) Countries/regions of departure that are subject to entry refusal (infectious disease risk level 3)

【Required documents】

① 2 copies of "Pledge (Resident Track)"

② PCR test certificate (or a copy of it)

* Based on the test results within 72 hours before departure (time from sample collection to the departure time of the scheduled flight)

③ Valid visa

④ Questionnaire (distributed to all passengers on inbound flights)

Please check here for the procedure at our university.

"Pledge (to Osaka City University)"

Please contact your faculty / graduate school for issuing the required documents.

(2) Countries/regions where the departure country/region is other than (1) (Infectious disease risk information level 2)

【Required documents】

② 2 copies of "Pledge (Resident Track)"

③ Valid visa

③ "Questionnaire" (distributed to all passengers on the inbound flight)

Please contact your faculty / graduate school for issuing the required documents.

【Related links】

○ Prime Minister's Office / New Coronavirus Infectious Disease Control Headquarters Homepage


○ Ministry of Foreign Affairs website

"Step-by-step measures to resume international traffic"


"Procedures and documents required for entering Japan (areas subject to entry refusal)" [Must read]


"Procedures and documents required for entering Japan (excluding areas subject to entry refusal)" [Must read]


○ Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry website

"Procedure for residence track"


3) [Important] Re-entry procedures for foreign students with re-entry permits

We are pleased to inform you that as of August 5th, re-entry permit holders who left Japan before your destination area became subject to refusal of entry into Japan will be allowed to re-enter Japan.

* Documents that need to be issued by the overseas diplomatic establishment for re-entry will be accepted and issued on a first-come, first-served basis.

Upon entering Japan, you are required to take a PCR test at the airport, wait at home for 14 days, and not use public transportation, as part of the Japanese government's border control measures. Be sure to secure a location for your 14-day waiting period and transportation to it in advance.


<Re-entry of foreigners with residence status (July 29)>

Currently, as a measure to strengthen border control, foreigners who have stayed in areas subject to entry denial within 14 days are not allowed entry into Japan except under special circumstances.

Under this decision, from August 5 re-entry permit holders who left Japan before their area of stay was subject to entry refusal will be allowed to re-enter Japan. (*Re-entry is not permitted for those who have left Japan after their area of stay was subject to entry refusal and for those who do not meet special circumstances. If you do not know the date your area was designated a refusal area, please contact the following related websites or an overseas diplomatic establishment.)

Upon re-entry, to be issued the document confirming admission for re-entry (hereinafter referred to as "confirmation letter"), it is necessary to show a certificate of a PCR test received within 72 hours before the departure time of the scheduled flight a the Japanese embassy/consulate (overseas diplomatic establishment of your country of residence).

Regarding the confirmation letter, applications will be accepted at each overseas diplomatic establishment from July 29, so students who wish to re-enter Japan should apply for your confirmation letter as soon as possible.

* If your country has a policy of not conducting tests for asymptomatic persons, go to a country/region where you can obtain the test results before leaving for Japan. You will be required to have a PCR test certificate dated within 72 hours from your departure to Japan. If it is difficult to find one by yourself, please consult a local related organization or an overseas diplomatic establishment.


* For details, please refer to the links below.

○ Ministry of Foreign Affairs HP "Re-entry of foreigners with residence status":

(Japanese) https://www.mofa.go.jp/mofaj/page1_000864.html

(English) https://www.mofa.go.jp/ca/fna/page4e_001074.html


○ Ministry of Foreign Affairs HP "Procedures and documents required for re-entry":

(Japanese) https://www.mofa.go.jp/mofaj/ca/fna/page25_001994.html

(English) https://www.mofa.go.jp/ca/fna/page25e_000334.html


(Reference / Related HP)

○ Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare HP "Q & A on drastic strengthening of border control":



(English) https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/seisakunitsuite/bunya/kenkou_iryou/covid19_qa_kanrenkigyou_00003.html#Q1-1


○ Ministry of Justice HP "Regarding landing refusal to prevent the spread of new coronavirus infections":



○ Official Residence HP "New Coronavirus Infection Control Headquarters":



4)Results of Tuition fee exemption for AY2020?

The screening results of tuition fee exemption for AY 2020 for International Students is on OCU UNIPA.


●Tuition fee exemptions are awarded only within the available budget. Not all applicants will be awarded.

●The results will not always the same as the previous year.

●You need the application number you received when you applied.?
If you have lost the number, please contact the Global Exchange Office.

●Please pay tuition fees by the deadline (Direct withdrawal, August 27th).


Contact:Global Exchange Office

5)?The result Tuition fee exemption 2020?

The screening result of the tuition fee exemption 2020 for International Students is announced on OCU UNIPA.


●Tuition fee exemption are awarded only within the available budget.Not all applicants will be awarded with an exemption.

●The result will not always the same as the last year.

●You need the application number you received when you applied.?
In case you lose the number, please contact the Global Exchange Office.

●Please comply with the deadline for the payment of the tuition fee.

Contact: Global Exchange Office

6)(Closed)?Applications for Student Support Allowance for Continued Learning have started! <2nd?round of applications>(Uploaded on 9th May) 

Due to the spread of COVID-19, we understand that students are having a difficult time at college with reduced income from part time jobs, etc. A new government system has been established to provide cash to students who have been affected by the impact of COVID-19 so that they can continue their studies at their universities.

This 2nd?round of applications is for those who were not able to apply in June or who failed to receive their payment in June.

●Eligible applicants are undergraduate and graduate students who attend regular courses.

●Those who wish to apply to this system, please access the application form on UNIPA.

The more items that are filled, the higher the possibility to receive an allowance.

●In addition to facing financial difficulties caused by the spread of COVID-19, successful applicants must also have an excellent academic record and be actively participating in classes and seminars.

●?Be sure to use the international student application form.?Applications using the Japanese student form will not be accepted.

●Please refer to UNIPA for details regarding the application method.

Application period: Wednesday 8 July - 23:59, Sunday 27 July.

?[Overview of the system]

Please see the details in the following link (Japanese only).?


"Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology: Page for Students (Continued Learning Support Allowance for Students)

7)(Closed) Orientation for New Students

8)(Closed)?Applications for Student Support Allowance for Continued Learning have started!/ Uploaded on 28th May) 

9)(Closed) Application for Emergency Support Allowance for Students in Need

中国語版 ? ?English version


10)Deadline for Tuition Payment for the First Semester of Academic Year 2020

To alleviate the financial burden COVID-19 may have caused on the household income of students and their families, Osaka City University has extended the deadline for tuition payment (first half of 2020) and the deadline for scholarships and tuition exemption applications.

Deadline for tuition payment?
(first semester of AY 2020)

Prior deadline

Extended deadline

Friday 29 May 2020※

Monday 31 August 2020

If you have any questions, please email us to the attention below.
Global Exchange Office
