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Conclusion of MTA between OCU and Medicago R&D Inc.

Published on Sep 15, 2020


Conclusion of Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) of Virus-like Particles (VLPs) of the coronavirus between University Public Corporation (UPC) Osaka-Osaka City University and Medicago R&D Inc.

Osaka, September 15, 2020 – UPC-Osaka City University and Medicago (Headquarter: Quebec City, Canada, CEO: Bruce Clark) concluded their MTA for the transfer and usage of VLPs corresponding to the COVID-19 infections, which has been developed by Medicago.

The Department of Immunology and Genomics, Osaka City University Graduate School of Medicine (Professor: Satoshi Uematsu) is developing an original technology for a mucosal vaccine and will examine the protective effect of this mucosal vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 by using the VLPs provided by Medicago in animal models.

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