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14th Three Universities Cooperation Project “Smart Aging and Sports”

Published on Dec 04, 2017


Osaka City University, Osaka Prefecture University and Kansai University in where are located Osaka urban area signed partnership agreement in 2008. Based on this agreement, open lectures has been held every year in the three universities. The extension lecture was held on the theme of “Smart Aging and Sports” on November 23, 2017 in Osaka Prefecture University Nakamozu Campus. The number of participants was 571 which exceeded the capacity significantly. Japan Sports Agency Commissioner Daichi Suzuki made a keynote speech under the title of “For increasing the value of sports – Tokyo 2020 and toward after the Olympic Games in 2020 –“. In the aftermath of the keynote speech, Poster sessions about health and sports activities in each universities and a panel discussion about “smart aging and sports” were conducted.


Prof. Akira Ogita from Research Center for Urban Health and Sports in Osaka City University spoke at the panel discussion. As an effort to encourage Osaka citizens to play sports on the basis of partnership agreement with Sports department, Osaka City Economic Strategy Bureau government office, he reported about an event for people who do not have interest to sports and an activity research of people who begin to have interest to exercise. Prof. Akira Ogita also introduced an approach of sports experience fair for finding exercise of interest to many more people.

In closing address by President Tetsuo Arakawa, he introduced OCU slogan “Glocal hub of wisdom and wellness filled with smiles” and our approach to health category. He expressed future vision as next host university. This open lecture was so useful.
