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Osaka City University 2013 Honors Ceremony

Published on Nov 08, 2013


On Sunday 3 November 2013 Osaka City University (OCU) held its 2013 Honors Ceremony in the main hall of the OCU Media Center in the presence of more than a hundred students, parents, professors and board members.
At the Honors Ceremony students with outstanding study results and professors who especially contributed to the level of education at OCU are honored by the President of OCU and the Chairman of the Education Supporters Association.
Selected this year were 35 students for their excellent study results, 2 professors for their exceptional teaching and the authors of 4 notable textbooks.??
Additionally, the winners of the competition for the design of the Student Support Center new building’s courtyard were announced. ?

The list of awarded students and professors can be viewed online on the Japanese page.

成25年11月3日 大阪市立大学顕彰式典
