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International Students Festival

Published on Jan 10, 2012


On 20 December the 2011 International Students Festival, an end-of-the-year party, was held in the Tanaka Memorial Hall at the Sugimoto Campus. The Festival is an annual event, organized with the support of the OCU Associates to provide an extra exchange opportunity for the international and Japanese students.

Approximately 200 students and teaching staff attended the party, enjoying the pleasant music of the performing OCU Jazz Society.

After a welcome word by Vice-President Kiriyama and Professor Minami of the Graduate School of Engineering on behalf of the OCU Associates, the Associates Secretary Oda proposed a toast in all the different languages represented at the party, ending in a Japanese Kanpai!

Later in the party a bingo game was played and the successful party came to a close with a jointly sung 'My Way', accompanied on guitar by the Global Exchange Office Assistant Director Suzuki.

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